Special Needs

Does your Parrot have special needs due to an injury, deformity or arthritis?

Then let us help.

Made to Measure Single Fit Perches - Our Shop

Why settle for a perch that isn’t quite the right size

When we can craft one to your exact requirements at NO extra charge.

Parrots , whatever their size benefit from a variety of perches in different thicknesses. It emulates what they would have available in nature, it promotes vital foot exercise and can even help with keeping those sharp talons in check.


We make these to order so that if, like the flock above, you require big chunky perches, we can work with you to get the right length and diameter to suit their needs and ensure that they come with the correct fixings to offer a secure fit.

If you are unsure of the best size to opt for, please just get in touch and we will be happy to discuss the options with you.

Birch is our prfered hardwood, which we have sucessfully supplied to the smallest of budgies right up the largest Macaws. However no wood is indestructible and if you have a big chewer, please get in touch with us.